Strain Imaging Study on Prostate Cancer
These images are part of a study which is currently undertaken in cooperation with Kretztechnik AG
at the Urology Departement (Prof. Senge) at the Marien Hospital in Herne, University Hospital of
the Ruhr-University Bochum. So far we have analyzed the data of 130 patients. Using strain
imaging only a specificity of 84% and a sensitivity of 76% for cancer detection was found which
is high above the figures one can obtain using conventional diagnostic modalities, i. e. PSA value,
digital palpation, and B-mode ultrasound.
New Features:
- 30 images per second in continuous mode
- real time scan conversion for strain image and b-mode image side by side
- approximately 10,000 calculated strain values per image
Patient 1
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Patient with a carcinoma visible on the right hand side of the strain image (left image) and the
histology (right image) image. Dark red regions in the strain image indicate a significant hardening.
The tumor could be confirmed by the histology (Gold Standard). The b-mode image (middle image)
does not show significant changes.
Patient 2
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Patient with a carcinoma visible on the right hand side and the middle part of the strain image
(left image) and the histology (right image) image. Dark red regions in the strain image indicate a
significant hardening. The tumor could be confirmed by the histology. The b-mode image
(middle image) shows irregularities of the prostate boundary on the right hand side.
The urethra is well defined in the strain image showing a high strain
(yellow/green/blue colors) caret sign ^. Also the boundary of the prostate (soft fatty tissue)
is well defined.