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   LP-IT Internet Products
 Map & Search
   Map&Search       LP-IT Map & Search
A server side solution for indexing and updating your sitemap and your site search. Map & Search helps your customers to find what they are looking for: fast, reliable, and with no overhead during indexing. You can use Map & Search, even if you are not running your own server, but have your site hosted by a local provider.

Contact productslp-it.de for further information.

   WebVariants       LP-IT WebVariants
Do you have wide variety of products and do you want to present them in a consise manner? This is where WebVariants can help. With small effort you can create easy to read product overviews for the internet and the intranet. Only a few clicks and the user is able to find the product which optimally fits his needs. Using WebVariants in the Intranet you can generate automatically detailed offers for your customers.

Contact productslp-it.de for further information.

LP-IT LinkCheck
LinkCheck checks the consistency and availability of your web pages and extern links. Our link checker follows all links from a start page and proofs its accessibility. Frame sets, image maps, and refresh-tags are reliably detected as well as javascript:open('page.htm')-commands. All links are listed with its origin and access error messsages are displayed. Furthermore all used email addresses and #-links are listed.

Contact productslp-it.de for further information.



   LP-IT Imaging Products


 Realtime Strain Imaging
   Realtime Strain Imaging     LP-IT Realtime Strain Imaging
Our offer: In a short time we are able to implement Realtime Strain Imaging on your ultrasound platform. Realtime Strain Imaging is an new ultrasonic imaging technique which is currently not available on any ultrasound scanner. With Realtime Strain Imaging you can - which was proven by a clinical study - detect tissue hardenings which can not be seen in the conventional B-mode image with a very high replicability.

Contact productslp-it.de for further information.


 Search Engines
 Map & Search
 Strain Imaging
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